Dear PMT

Dear PMT,
Can say as I’ve missed you in the year and a half of being pregnant and breastfeeding and before that you only re-emerged a few times post being pregnant and breastfeeding so I have mostly had over 3years of being PMT free.

I definitely don’t suffer as badly as some women I know, and I know how lucky I am to have had no major issues with PMT or periods or depression in general, but today I am weepy. Weepy for my dad, weepy for death, weepy for my girls being so awesome and growing up so fast, weepy for LordCurd coming to give me a cuddle to cheer me up. I know this will pass in a day or so I will be absolutely fine again, but today I am going to indulge me and my hormones and just weep as I need too.

Pass the tissues.


P.S if you have any tips on how to vanquish you then do pass them my way. Ta.

One response to “Dear PMT

  1. Yip, PMS is a massive bitch. Alcohol, caffeine, chocolate, carbs, and really late nights are all excellent remedies though, although the doctor told me I was talking rubbish. Hmph.

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