Tag Archives: Public

Dear Young Couple On the Train

Dear Young Couple on The Train,

Well I say young but you were early twenties so old enough to know better, but younger than me anyhow.

Why exactly did you feel the need to stare at me and whisper pointedly and giggle as I breastfed my baby girl on the train home this afternoon?  You did not see even the slightest hint of nipple or breast for I am well practised in the art of discrete feeding.  My daughter maybe a noisy feeder due tongue issues but the noise of the train definitely drowned them out.

So I can only assume you are not used to the sight of a baby being fed in the biologically normal way and such a sight caused you too need to be so rude and make me feel quite uncomfortable. I wish I had said something now in my best teacher tone but I was knackered – it had been a pretty stressful day taking a newborn to a very important work meeting and to be honest I just wanted to get home.

It made me sad you clearly were so socially inept when confronted with a nursing mother- I am not a circus freak or rare mythical creature, breastfeeding mothers do exist just not as commonly in public often due to reactions like yours. You should know that I have a legal right to breastfeed in public. So I suggest next time you see a woman like me you smile or you look away. Anything other than the childish behaviour you exhibited today.

Of course you could just have been laughing at the copious baby vomit on my shoulder and down the back of my smart black work cardy that I hadn’t noticed?! Sigh.

Whatever it was, you were extremely rude and need to grow up and get some manners.

Yours sincerely


P.S But to all the lovely grumpy commuters who went out of their way to smile at frazzled me as I navigated train and tube- thankyou!

Dear Privacy

Dear Privacy,

In the age of the internet there is something almost mythical about you now.

I have some questions:

  • How much information is too much information to share?
  • How much information can come back and bite you on the bum with unforeseen consequences in the future?
  • How much information combined can make a partial/complete/”alternate identity” picture of a person?
  • Do we publicly record for posterity or notoriety or other?
  • How googleable stalkable am I?

I’m not sure I want to know the answers but they are all things I need to muse on with you.

Yours in disguise
